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How to Get More for your Money in 2023

 By: Dr. Louis Berman
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The best way to cut costs is to change the way you think about purchasing supplies. Traditionally, when you started your practice, you purchased pretty much everything from the same dealers who helped you set up your practice. Why?

Are you looking to make more money in 2023? Maybe it’s for a new car, college for the kids, or an intra-oral scanner for your office. So, what can you do TODAY to make that happen? You can either raise your fees, or you can cut spending.

The best way to cut costs is to change the way you think about purchasing supplies. Traditionally, when you started your practice, you purchased pretty much everything from the same dealers who helped you set up your practice. Why? Because you were concerned that if you needed them to fix your plumbing, dental chair, or autoclave, they would be right there for you, almost before you could hang up the phone… How has that been working out for you?

Guess what: The sales representative who sold you supplies is pretty much independent from the equipment side of their company.

I bet when you’re shopping for a TV or laptop, you go to multiple websites to see who can give you the best price, right? Are you doing that when purchasing supplies? Most dental offices have one employee who does most of the ordering; and, because the money is not coming out of their pocket, they will shop from who they’ve ordered from before, or wherever is the easiest for them. This process needs to change.

Check two things right now: First, find out who else can fix your equipment when things go down. Ask your colleagues who they use. You may be surprised to see that there are several independent companies who are experts with repairs and also much less expensive. Next, ask your team to make a list of what’s needed throughout the year. Then, ask the person in charge of ordering to research pricing for each item. Voila! You now have a spreadsheet with competitive pricing that will help you save a ton of money throughout the year.

 The savings add up when you shop smartly! Personally, after learning how much dental instruments actually cost to produce…I realized JUST how much the major dealers were taking advantage of us — it was jaw-dropping. I was tired of overpaying, so I took things into my own hands and started Berman Instruments. We keep our overhead super low, which allows us to offer quality instruments for significantly less.

For example, rubber dam clamps can wear out or break. Why would you want to spend $25 for a replacement, when you can get them from us for less than $6? The blades of a scaler become dull after 4-6 months. Why replace them for $37.95 each, when you can get them at Berman Instruments for half the price? Time is money, and having enough inventory is critical to remain efficient and not get slowed down by the autoclave. When you order with competitive pricing in mind, you can have more setups for less. Why would you spend $130 for a Universal 150 Forceps when you can get it from Berman for less than $60?

At Berman, the board members are all dentists, which isn’t common in dental companies. We’re able to vet the manufacturers and products that we sell, so we keep our standards high, while still offering instruments at a very good price point.

The down and dirty: Change the way you order supplies, and you’ll have extra money in your pocket at the end of the year. The savings REALLY add up. Get more for your money. Shop Berman.

Dr. Berman received his dental degree from the University of Maryland School of Dentistry and his Certificate in Endodontics from The Albert Einstein Medical Center, a hospital-based endodontic residency program. He is Clinical Associate Professor of Endodontics at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry and a Clinical Instructor and Guest Lecturer at The Albert Einstein Medical Center. Dr. Berman is the senior author for the chapter on diagnosis in the ninth, tenth and current eleventh edition of the leading endodontic textbook, Cohen’s Pathways of the Pulp, where he is also the co-editor. He is also the senior editor and contributing author of the comprehensive textbook, Dental Traumatology. A board-certified endodontist and Fellow of the American College of Dentistry, Dr. Berman has been in private practice in Annapolis, Maryland for 35 years.

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